EMERGENCY MESSAGE: Americans proven to be over-confident and underprepared lack
        these crucial items – and may not have a chance to buy them later…

From: Damian Campbell
Date: Thursday, 10:02 A.M.

  • The first food item that will fly off the shelf, (obviously it's impossible to survive without this) so I'll tell you exactly where to get it before the general public – and how to store it securely…

  • How to practically "smell" a disaster coming, and how to lockdown your supplies or get anything you're low on before the mob goes crazy…

  • Keep your family from being attacked and robbed by buying these items before they're "on the radar"…

Dear Fellow Patriot,

What are you going to do if
  you get to the store and   
  see   empty  shelves?

We need to talk. There’re some serious events about to hit the US.

Some you know of already, but some will be brand-new in a threatening way…

The bottom-line is, any disaster (big or small) could force you to go weeks without food.

Without the essentials we may not survive.  And there’s going to be no way to get them when a crisis hits (or the news even smells a crisis for that matter).

Think about it:

  • How would you survive a terrorist attack that caused widespread panic and shutdown all shops and stores in your area?  Would you be forced to beg neighbors for food or be shipped off to FEMA camps?

  • Could you and your family survive hurricanes or snowstorms that whipped your neighbors into a “panic-buying” frenzy – grabbing any food they could get their hands on?  What if the stores weren’t restocked for weeks?

  • How would you live during weeks of “rolling blackouts” making it impossible to store food or for stores to get more food in stock?

  • What would you do if your home was hit by floods, washing out roads and making it impossible for stores to supply food for weeks – would you survive?

  • How would you deal with protesting labor unions refusing to ship food – would your kids go hungry?

  • What would you do if an earthquake rocked your home and disrupted all abilities to get supplies in or out (this would be devastating anywhere, but especially in a city)?

The sad part is, people don’t think any of these very real disasters will ever happen – or at least, won’t happen to them (maybe this is what you’re thinking)…

History says otherwise:

Remember these recent disasters that cost thousands of lives…?

  • In 2011 after the Tōhoku Tsunami in Japan over 300,000 people were evacuated to camps where some died.  Survivors lined up for blocks outside of 7-11s and grocery stores for a scrap of food.

  • We have seen how the US Government, FEMA and Local Authorities respond to disasters when Hurricane Katrina hit.

  • During Hurricane Katrina in 2004 stores closed, looters ran wild and everyday, hardworking people were forced into begging and ended up at FEMA camps.

  • The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami wiped out the shops, stores and food transportation channels for many people. 

  • In the 2010 Haitian Earthquake, followed by the massive Chilean Earthquake as many as 316,000 people were killed and are still struggling to reestablish constent access to food.

And every year in the US alone there are tornadoes touching down in the southeast, blizzards throughout the northwest, earthquakes out west, severe droughts in central US, wildfires in California, and floods literally everywhere.

In fact, FEMA states that every American lives in a flood zone.  The only question is if you’re in a low, medium, or high-risk area.

So remembering what can happen we’ve got two options:

You Can Put All Your Hopes For
Survival In The Government & FEMA…

Or You Can Take Survival
Into Your Own Hands…

Please believe me when I say, as a fellow American I want to help you and your family survive any way I can. That in mind, you need to know: this could be the most important letter of your life – and your family’s life – so keep reading.  You’ll see why in a second…

As the author of the top-selling guide Survive-Anything I’ve done my homework – and what I found was pretty scary…

It’s common sense.

Any 5 year old can tell you – without food and water we’re in trouble…

A human can die just hours after dehydration – especially if they’re physically exerting themselves (like running from a mob or fighting off an attacker).

And life without food means a slow and painful death, starting with confusion and diarrhea and ending with spine-wracking convulsions and hallucinations from hell.

It’s not fun to think about, but even if a crisis only lasts a few weeks it can be deadly to you and your family if you’re not prepared.

But the scary part is…

If You Buy The Wrong Food Items,
You'd Have Been Better Off Buying
Nothing At All…

Can you really fight through a crowd to get your   kids food - or will you get beat? If you know which   food items to buy in advance you'll never have to find out.

It’s crushing when your kids realize that their Dad was wrong and your wife feels like you failed to protect the family (even if they’d never say it)…

Even though I don’t know you from Adam, as my fellow patriot I don’t want that to happen to you or your family and I’m sure you don’t either.

And that’s why I’ve put together this list of 37 crucial food items.

The thousands of people who have been helped by my Survive-Anything guide need to know what these items are.  Heck every American needs to know what these are…

Because honestly, without these crucial items your family isn’t going to be prepared – and they disappear at even the hint of a crisis.

There’s no way around the fact all foods aren’t created equal. Some are completely worthless nutritionally. And your family’s health is too important to waste money on foods that will kill them slowly in a crisis.

The sad part is, even though the average American doesn’t know what to look for, they’ll grab anything and everything from the store in a crisis. 

Please don't get the crazy idea you can live off just MREs (in fact they're not even on the list...)

That’s why you need to know in advance…

  • Why you're KILLING your family if you're counting on a garage-full of MREs or other "survival food" for a crisis…

  • Why food your wife normally buys is almost perfect, but the thing she hasn’t thought to buy is crucial (this caught me off guard when I found out…)

  • Why your food is worthless if you buy the wrong packaging (there’s nothing more demoralizing than finding your carefully packed food crawling with maggots and realizing your family is going to have to go hungry…)

  • How to pack your food like a Special Forces soldier so your family will have the basics even if you have to run…

  • How to tell if you’re going to make your family sick by eating expired food, or if it’ll be just as good for you as the day it was packaged (crucial for long term disasters like a food crisis!)…

  • Why this brand of alcohol should be at the top of your list, even if you don’t drink…

Right now people look down on we patriots who take the obvious danger seriously and are making preparations.  Sometimes our neighbors or even family say we’re “crazy” or “kooky” but…

People May Say We're "Crazy" Now...
But We'll See Who Was Right When
They're Asking Us For Help!

And as Christians we won’t even say “I told you so.”

See, there’s going to be no way to buy any of these critical items after a crisis. 

You know that and I know that.

But spoiled-rotten Americans think they snap their fingers and get what they want.

The fact of the matter is, it doesn’t matter how rich, popular or politically correct you are.  When people are starving and panicking you’re not going to get what you need without a fight. 

That’s why you must get these crucial items before the panic.  And why we’re going to be the people on top of the game when crisis hits.

See with these 37 items you’ll be in place to:

  • Attract like-minded Americans to rebuild our nation based on the constitution – without all the liberal crap…

  • Be a community leader ready to protect and provide for your fellow patriots…

  • Set the example for your close friends and family (these 37 items are so important you'll become the disaster 'go-to' guy)…

And the great thing is these 37 items won't break the bank.  But the big problem is, if you don't have them in advance…

Many Stores Will Close, And Spoiled
Americans Will Panic…

So many Americans try to pretend like “nothing is going to happen” or “there’s no reason to ‘freak-out’”. 

And then they run to the store and strip the shelves bare the first time the news even mentions crazy weather (imagine if they announced something like 9/11 again).

Nearly every major news outlet (New York  Times, USA Today, The Economist and  more) have run articles warning of the coming food shortage…

How do you think they’re going to act when their favorite grocery store has its windows smashed and nothing left on the shelves?

By starting a panic and looting every store around.  But more on that in a second…

What I can’t understand is why they’re ignoring the evidence.  It’s obvious you need these critical food items now.  Take a look at these recent news bulletins:

  • Researcher Kent Arnspiger recently exposed grocery stores for their poor planning.  They only carry 3-4 days worth of food (that’s gone in hours during a crisis) so you won’t be able to get your hands on things your family needs to live – unless you have it in advance.

  • The Mayo Clinic recommends you drink about 2 liters of water every day.  How much water would you have if, God forbid, terrorists poisoned our water supply or nuclear fallout made rainwater undrinkable? (If you’ve got bonus #1 this isn’t a concern)

  • And worst of all Fox News reports “…lack of acreage [in the US]… will usher in a significant food shortage.”

How people can’t see the obvious truth is beyond me…

But, when a crisis strikes who are these clueless freeloaders going to try and come to?

You guessed it: you and your family who were wise enough to stock up on the necessities before the crisis. 

But the problem is…

If You Think Food Is Expensive Now,
Imagine What It's Going To Be Like
When The Stores Shut Down And
Farms Can't Feed Their Livestock…

This medal remembers Germany after WWI, when a pound of bread cost 3 BILLION Marks. Many economists see the US heading in a similar direction.

There’s no way to deny that food prices have been skyrocketing as it is. Which makes it even more important to buy these 37 critical items before the prices go even higher.

After all, when your family is hungry, and you’re not sure where you’ll be able to get these crucial items again would you sell any?

Heck no.

If you were going to sell some of your precious food, how much would you charge?  That food would be worth its weight in gold.  Literally. 

If your family is less than rich or even in some debt right now, you need to buy the essential food items while you still can.

Look at what happened in Germany when hyperinflation hit – one pound of bread cost 3 billion marks.  And the US is on the same crash course.

These 37 Items Are Specifically For
Middle-Class Americans Who Are Going
Through Hard Times Financially…

This may sound harsh, but rich people don’t need my help.  These 37 items are specifically for Americans who won’t make it without the basics and can’t spend a fortune trying…

That’s why instead of just getting a generic list you’ll get:

  • Where to get the top 3 crucial items even if you’re barely making
    ends- meet and are deep in debt…

  • The top Items that are just as good as name-brand but a fraction of the
    cost (a lot of big companies try to hide these “trade names” from
    consumers to keep you spending)…

  • How to use items you’ve already got sitting in your cupboard as substitutes (something that’s not perfect is always better than nothing!)…

  • Where to find the last couple of items if you get caught in a panicked

As you can see this isn’t a guide that sends you to the camping store to spend hundreds of dollars on dehydrated survival food.  That stuff is great… if you can afford it.

Now, even if you’re in debt or on a tight budget, you can afford to protect your family and get most critical food and water items.

But you might think this sounds too good to be true.  In fact I’ve had people contact me accusing me of being some kind of “scam artist” or “hustler”.  I guess the real question is…


Why am I doing this?

Some people will accuse me of trying to make a buck off fellow American’s back – and they’re rightto a point.

I’ve done work and expect to be paid for it. We’re not communist… right?

But the other piece is even more selfish…

If You're Not With Us…
You're Against Us!

Our country needs more Americans like you who are serious about preparing.  Even with the ultra-patriots, there is no way we can support every single person… unless they do their part.

Like it or not, when people’s children are starving, there are going to be riots.  Looters will try to take food by force.

I don’t want you to be a part of that mob.

By getting you these 37 food items for your family, I’ve made my family that much safer.

Now if you and I can convince the entire nation to prepare now, the only people we’d have left to support would be the freeloaders and liberals.

And there’s no place in our country for people not willing to work anyways.

But talk is cheap. I want to show you exactly what’s in this guide along with the exclusive bonuses – and how you can see them without risking a red-cent.

Here's What You Get:

Sold Out After Crisis
37 Vital Food Items Guide

By now you've figured out these items can be the difference between your family's survival and… well, your family's survival is the only option.

These items have been broken down so you can get them easily and for less money than you're spending on groceries now.

In the 37 Vital Food Items Guide you’ll learn:

  • The first food item that will fly off the shelf, (obviously it’s impossible to survive without this) so I’ll tell you exactly where to get it before the general public – and how to store it securely…
  • Where to get the top 3 crucial items even if you’re barely making ends-
    meet and are deep in debt…
  • How to practically “smell” a food riot coming, and how to lockdown your supplies or get anything you’re low on before the mob goes crazy…
  • This ancient seed that can grow with little water, has more amino acids
    than an egg and better for you than the cereals you eat now…
  • How to use this delicious food to its fullest.  Use it to increase the life of
    any vegetables, clean-up any dangerous spills and keep your house safe without toxic chemicals...
  • Your kids will love this super cheap food item. It's high in protein, folic acid, b vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber – and doesn't go bad.  If I had to pick one item and one item alone to get, this would be it…


But Food is Only Part of The Equation…

Obviously you need food to survive but…

  • Water - What are you going to do without water?  Humans can survive no more than 10 days without water…
  • Energy - Are you going back to the stone age?  So much of our lives depend on power – but off-grid power seems soooo expensive…
  • Food Source - Food with a long shelf-life is great, but wouldn’t a garden that no one knew was there be the best option?

The problem is, you’re on a tight budget.  I know you can’t afford to buy a million and one resources to get prepared.

With that in mind here are some other crucial guides that I’m throwing in for free:


Water Purification
Quickstart Guide

You know you need water.  But those high tech filtration systems can cost upwards of $400 for a base-camp model, and the cheap low volume filters won't come close to supporting your family…

That's why I've put together this down-n-dirty guide to purifying your own water.  It's not pretty and won't win any awards for great photography, but it'll filter your water and it's simple to put together.

Here’s what your Water Purification Quickstart will do for you:

  • Turn a 55-gallon drum into an automatic water purifier without having to use a fancy pump or rely on electricity – after all, do you really want your water supply to be dependent on the power company?
  • You can set this up in a couple of hours (if you can dump dirt in a bucket you’re overqualified for this)…
  • Make a quick switch to go from a water filter to storage container – so you don’t have to worry about running out of water in a drought…
  • How you can get most of the materials for free (people will thank you for taking them off their hands)…

Survival Garden Plans

You can survive and even thrive with the 37 items on the list, but after a while survival food gets old.  Plus you need a way to get fruits and veggies to stay healthy – processed foods drain our body after too long…

Try a Survival Garden.  You’ll have fresh produce for you and your family.  And it’ll be a lot better than having to fight through a starving mob for a couple of bruised cabbages and squished tomatoes…

Here’s what you can do with this blueprint:

  • Setup your survival garden so it produces better quality organic produce than you can buy from the store…
  • Grow enough food to support your family, and even help your neighbors (as Christians we’ve got to help others – and this way you don’t have to starve your family to do it!)…
  • Create the perfect garden for people who don’t have “any free time” (this will drop your stress levels enormously)…

Off-Grid Survival
Backup Power

Everything I've shown you will work without any power at all.  But the fact of the matter is, modern technology can be a big help, especially if it's you against the rest of the crazy world.

You can use power for everything from electric fences for home defense to talking with family across the country. But big back-up power companies know this and charge $1,000 - $45,000 for system to power your house.  However, now you don't have to pay that to have your own off-grid backup power…

You can use these plans to:

  • Use off-the-grid power without paying for an expensive power system…
  • Setup a generator that can run for YEARS without needing to be changed (hint: a gasoline generator isn’t going to cut it)…
  • Cut your dependence on the government and foreign oil for energy…
  • Generate free power without paying an arm and a leg to the large solar panel manufactures...
  • Get the plans for a wind generator to take advantage of everything Mother Nature gives you!

Survival Food Stockpiling & Storage

Again, you know you can survive and even thrive with the 37 items on the list, but learning how to store and stockpile those items is also crucial.  You can’t just put these items in your closet and hope you never need to use them…

Try our stockpiling strategies.  You’ll have properly stored food for you and your family.  You’ll be much better off when you go to use your stockpile and find the food has been properly stored and is waiting for you in perfect edible condition…

    Here’s what you will learn in this guide:

  • Why a proper stockpile of food for you and your family is essential in securing your survival…
  • How much you will need to store and the two variables that play the biggest role in this equation…
  • What and how much you will need to get started…
  • Where to shop and exactly what to start stockpiling…
  • How and where to store the food items once you have them…

Now, like I said this has taken a LOT of work.  And not to brag, but I’m pretty proud of the package I’ve put together.

But some people feel like I should give this away.  I’ve even had people tell me that I’m “scamming” people out of money by charging for this information…

But there are also people who think this information is going for wayyyy too cheap.  See, smart Americans understand they can save money right now (wouldn’t saving money on your food or power bill help?) and be prepared for a disaster…

And one of the best pieces is, it’s all "under the radar".  No funny packages showing up at your house.  And no Uncle Sam trying to stick his nose into your business (your neighbors will keep quiet too for that matter).

So to figure out what a fair price is I did a breakdown, item by item:

Sold Out After Crisis Survival Package

   37 Food Items That Disappear Fast $97   
   Water Purification Quickstart Guide $17   
   Survival Garden Plans $19   
   Off-Grid Survival Power Plans $49   
   Survival Food Stockpiling & Storage $21   
   Total Value $203   

The Grand Total Comes To…

$203.  Less than a month’s grocery bill.  Heck that’s less than a trip to the theme park and snacks with your family!

And you’ll get a heck of a lot more out of it…

With these guides you have the potential to save your family’s lives.

However, I don't want to price people out of this great resource.  My hope is that I can share this critical information with as many people as possible. So I'm discounting the Sold Out After Crisis Survival Package to the incredibly low price of only $49.97.  Yea I know, I can charge a lot more, but I'd just assume keep the price low and help as many of my fellow patriots as possible.

You Will Get The Entire Package
(Bonus Plans & All) For...

$49.97.  Yeah, I know that's $153.03 off, but it's what I feel is right.

So, if you’re ready to find out the 37 food items you need to keep your family safe and happy, as well as how to purify your water at home, plant your own survival garden, and produce off-grid solar back-up power.  Click the orange add-to-cart button below.

But I realize that some people are nervous about purchasing online. 

Or maybe after buying the 37 critical food items guide you remember an important bill to pay and need your $49.97 back.

That’s why I’m going to take the risk, and give you 60 days to return Sold Out After Crisiseven if you’ve read all the guides or used the checklists to prep your home for a crisis.

Sure, that means some people are going to take advantage of me, but honestly I trust my fellow Americans.  After all, if we can’t trust each other, who can we trust?

Just to spell it out, here’s my guarantee in writing:

No questions asked, I’ll refund 100% of your money as soon as you ship the product back. (There’s no “restocking fee” or other loophole either).

As an NRA Business Alliance member I'm  serious about giving patriots the  information on the 37 most important food  items, or I'll quickly refund every penny.

Now, I’ve got one last thing to tell you:

Just to warn you, some people might think you’re weird or a little over protective for buying this guide.  But I want you to stop, and think how glad they’ll be when you’re helping them.

Think about how satisfying it’ll be, knowing you’ve got your family protected and prepared for anything.

You don’t have to be a big survival guy, super self-defense guru or perfect woodsman to get these 37 food items that will literally keep your family from starving.


Now’s the time to make a decision.  It’s pretty simple: do you want to be caught without these 37 crucial food items?

If you’re confident beyond the shadow of a doubt you’re totally prepared leave this page now.

But, if you’re even a little bit unsure – let me ask you… are you willing to chance your family going hungry because you wouldn’t take a risk-free look at a short list?

It’s your decision.  Hope to see you on the inside.


Damian Campbell



P.S.        Maybe all you can start with is a couple days’ worth of food. Those few days can make the difference between life or death in a serious survival situation. Get the 37 critical food items you need to survive now.

P.P.S.      When a crisis hits, humanity is at its worst. Heck, people get trampled in the mall for some stupid toy at Christmas time. Imagine how much worse it’ll be with a starving mob, and food supplies vanishing off the shelf.

P.P.P.S.   If you’re worried about your order, let me tell you, I’m doing everything I can to keep it safe. My server uses Clickbank’s 256 Bit Secure-Server (the same type Amazon, eBay and banks use).

P.P.P.P.S.  Don't forget you have my 100% Money Back Guarantee. If for any reason you aren't totally satisfied, just let me know and we'll process your refund immediately. I'm taking all of the risk, so you can get started today.


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>>>Click Here For The 37 Critical Items You Need Now - Risk Free<<<

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